Friday, January 06, 2006


so yes, the inevitable happened. I got lost. So lost, in fact, that I ended up in MARYLAND. I was in the wrong state. I had been staying in Springfield at Dan's parent's house, but yesterday our bed came and we stayed in Alexandria for the first time. I went a different way to work. I take 495 to work. So DC is a little confusing and the highways basically make a circle around the city called the "beltway" and for a point 95 and 495 are the same. The signs said 95N/495W or 95S/495E. I figured Tyson's Corner (where I work) is north or where I live, so I went North. This was apparently wrong because I didn't recognize anything. By the time I had a place to turn around, I had crossed the Woodrow Wilson bridge into Maryland. So 495E and 95S are the same thing. Go figure. That was my lovely morning. Oh well, you learn and now I know better for monday

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